Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 19, 2007 - Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Ooh, Starbucks. Sugar-free cinnamon dolce latte, and banana chocolate chip coffee cake. I think I'm hooked on banana chocolate chip type things.

I came into work this morning and found this note on the dry erase board across from my desk. It's from my coworker's daughters. It reads, "Shaun you don't love us! You're never here when we are!" God, it's like they posted a huge billboard in my office that says "SLACKER!"

Another wonderful orange.

And, yes, Lunchables. Those chocolate cream Oreos they put in there should be illegal. They are way better than the regular ones.

Leftover lasagna.

This is supposed to be a chocolate chip energy bar made for kids. Kids need energy bars???

1 comment:

VegasCityGirl said...

Yes, those chocolate chip banana things are delicious!!