Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 18, 2007 - Special Thanks to Michael Chiarello

Early morning meeting = cheese danish.

Some healthy tasty cheese soy crisps. They're good, I swear.

YES! Lunchables!

A tasty cherry.

Chopper loves crackers too.

And tonight's recipe- Lasagna of Butternut Squash, courtesy of Michael Chiarello and the Food Network.

The filling is roasted squash, mashed up with some ricotta. This was so tasty, but dried out in the oven. We think it might have needed more sauce, or less time in the oven. But it was excellent. It takes a lot of work, but it's so worth it.

Brian and I watched The Game. It's really fun if you haven't seen it. We tried to watch Unforgiven, but the disk was broken. We had to return it to Netflix.

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