Sunday, April 1, 2007

March 31, 2007 - Pet-a-palooza

Toast for breakfast.

Brian and I go to Petapalooza! An event for pets. We didn't bring Chopper because he sometimes gets into trouble with other dogs. But we did see lots of animals needing homes and visited some booths to get free treats and toys for Chop. I decided to try "worms in dirt" - a pudding cup with cookie crumbs and gummy worms. Brian took this picture of me in front of the bounce houses.

We were originally going to eat lunch there, but it was crowded, and I was starting to get sunburned! Brian had enjoyed my leftover sandwich from the sports bar that we decided to go there for lunch. We got this huge pizza covered with veggies and some chicken wings and a salad. The food was great, but the service was really slow. Regardless, we're planning to make this place a regular stop!

We skip dinner and instead eat a pile of strawberries and whipped cream while watching recorded episodes of Lost and Survivor that we missed earlier this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I found your site from a link on the This Ain't Iowa page - and I have to tell you - after five minutes here I like you a lot more than Brian after hanging out at his site for the better part of 5 months.

You seem way less bitter. :) Although I had no idea that Brian was training up for Iron Chef. He seems to be quite the cook.

Also - I highly commnend you for your work with Abused kids. I used to be on the board of directors of a group here in Chicago called the Children's Advocacy Center and the staff there did amazing and important work.

Good luck to you with the job and the blog.

Trainfan John
